Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If Romance is dead...it's time for it to be revived


 I place my love paddles on each side of romance and send a shock of electricity shooting through it until it jolts to life and beats rapidly. It's about time for romance to show up and make it's appearance in daily life. Many women are getting their dose of romance through soap operas, steamy erotic novels and movies that tug at the heart strings. But is that enough. I don't believe so. A woman needs real romance in her life to get her blood flowing, her complexion glowing and her disposition to remain on the sunny side of the street.

While talking to male family members, the response is always, "I'm not a romantic type of guy." Duh, no one is born Romantic. It's not listed on anyone's birth certificate next to Parent's Name, and your teeny tiny foot print. I can't remember one conversation that started, "John was born with green eyes."

The response: "Oh yeah, well, Reggie was born a Romantic."

Romance is learned behavior for a man. Smart men are more willing to learn it because they understand that it's an arsenal in their tool bag of relationships. They know that life with a woman is much easier when you know how to sweep her off her feet. You know these men. You've seen these men. They are the ones that are always smiling, are less stressed and look refreshingly relaxed. They come to work with leftovers, lovingly, prepared by their wives. They have mastered the way to make peace in their household. Of course, it takes more than romance. No woman cares about romance when she's being cheated on, ignored or abused. But a woman that is generally loved is fulfilled and willing to fulfill your needs when she's surprised in on regular or semi-regular basis by the man she loves. She feels appreciated and loved.

Now, the other men. The ones that refuse or claim they cannot learn the language of love. They often look frustrated. They are grouchy, angry or generally annoyed. They look deprived. Their wives are equally harried in their look. They too are grouchy, angry and generally annoyed. They feel like every chore is asking too much of them because their love tank is on empty. With nothing to replenish their romantic reservoir, they are left to fulfill themselves with artificial injections of romance.

These men don't understand that if they were to give romance, they would receive what they need.

Romance is not a chore, but a gift. A woman needs it like she needs water. She can do without water for awhile, but eventually she is going to search elsewhere if it's no longer provided.

So, that's where I come in. My determination is to share ideas and tips to provide romance to the needy, deserving woman in your life. If you are a man reading this blog, you are already on the right path. If you are woman reading this blog, you may want to print and quietly slip it into your husband's or boyfriend's briefcase, shirt pocket or even shoe (if you have to). Hopefully, he will get the hint.

Quick tip# 1: I love you is not the MOST romantic word. THANK YOU is. If you want to score points with your lady love, always make sure to say, "thank you". A kiss on the cheek makes it twice as sweet. A deep kiss on the lips is added bliss. But, do it often.

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